Got a chore or errand to do??
cant do it urself?
Is cleaning up your clubroom or work cell a chore??
want to eat, need delivery??
dont wan Mac/KFC/Pizza Hut???
No guts to deliver a LOVE ♥ LETTER~??
No worries~!!!

Requests are differentiated into 3 Categories as follow:
Cat 1
Buying/Selling/ Delivery/Collection
(A) Location: Within School
1st payment $2, regradless of 4 items or below.
Additional $0.50 per item added.
(B) Location: Opposite School
1st payment $3, regardless of 4 items or below.
Additional $0.50 per item added.
Cat 2
(A)Temporary helper/Assist in office work/Accompaniment
A service based on time, $3 per 30 minutes
within the 30minutes.
Additional $2.50 per additional 30minutes.
(B)Minor Cleaning/ Cleaning
$5 per 30minutes
within the 30minutes.
Additional $5 per additional 30minutes.
Cat 3
Freestyle - Any other services not within Cat 1 (A or B) and Cat 2 (A or B).
Price is negotiable depending on request.
terms and conditions:
- All capitals earned by SME3 Errand Shop will be donated to CCN day.
- Terms and conditions can be corrected at any point of time.
- Requests are only accepted via SMS or direct negotiation at the allocated place with the Errand Master.
- Requests can either be accepted or rejected by the Errand Master at any point of time.
- Price of each Categories can be changed at any point of time by the Organizers.
- Requests must not be associated in violating the school rules and regulations or the law.
- Requests related to delivery cannot go beyond opposite school's market. - Request from buying and selling from vendors will be secondary in our list.
- Requests can only be done within 12nn - 5pm on 14th November 2008 unless with valid reasons.
Brought to you by: E2 Matrix and SME